Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Odd English

Oh brilliant cricket administration! The captain and coach of the national side have decided to resign at the same time because they can't work with one another?!

Gents - politics 101 - there has to be a winner you can't both lose and quit your jobs.

Sigh... English cricket in action again.


Anonymous said...

ahah weirdest two weeks of English cricket. Sadly, there wasn't much cricket involved. only drama.
ahaha KP quit!

Anonymous said...

Not exactly the kind of build up you need to take on the Aussies for the Ashes in the first year that they're looking a little vulnerable.

Oh well - the Poms can go back to their rightful place at the whipping boys of world cricket...

Anonymous said...

Naah dude. I think it is more hype then anything. So far he hasn't done anything too spectacular as a Captain.

Yes, he could've worked well as captain, in the Ashes, maybe. Australia usually (not lately) look to intimidate the captains of the opponent teams and he is a character that might not have backed away from it. I don't see Strauss doing anything impressive either.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough... Strauss another South African - he must SURELY be better than anything the English can trundle out...