Friday, January 23, 2009

Something that has been bugging me...

Since the start of this test series ONE question has been bugging me...

We've watched this incredible cricket, some great bowling, great batting and some really really good fielding at times.

Which brings me to this "Classic Catches" competition that the Aussies have on Channel 9... Every time it advertises a years supply of KFC for the winner plus 2000 aussie dollars....

The question that has been bugging me is:



Anonymous said...

Well that question has crossed my mind a few times. I am sure there is some sort of a limit as to how much you can order in a year. It is clever marketing as well. I won't be surprised if there is some sort of limit.

Personally, I am no health nut, but a year supply of KFC sounds like more harm then good. I would probably enjoy some money instead.

Anonymous said...

Yup I suspect one would get a little tired of it after a while but still there are some people out there who might see it more as a challenge than a prize!

Anonymous said...

According to the competition details 52 $26 vouchers.

I'd rather the $1352